(A Government of India Undertaking)
Advertisement Ref.No. DIV-REC-W/55/2011
Mazagon Dock Limited recruitment for Skilled / Semi Skilled Grade Industrial Operatives in various Trades 2011
Mazagon Dock Limited is going to conduct walk-in-interview in different following dates for recruitment on the posts of Operatives in different trades in skilled Grade I and semi-skilled Grade I on contract basis for a fixed period of 02 years. So, applications are being invited from willing candidates who fulfill the all eligibility criteria. Eligible candidates may attend the walk-in-interview along with their original and attested copies of relevant documents and filled in applications form in prescribed format in all respects. Details are as follow:
Name of the post: Industrial Operatives
Grade: Skilled and Semi Skilled
Contract period: 02 years
Total number of vacancy: 137
For Skilled Industrial Operatives: Rs. 7500/- per month in the 1st year and Rs. 7575/- in the 2nd year.
For Semi Skilled Operatives: Rs. 6000/- per month in the 1st year and Rs. 6060/- in the 2nd year.
Name of the Trades and No. of vacant posts and Educational qualifications:
1. Machinist - 06 in which 05 for Gen and 01 for OBC – Either 10th standard passed or its equivalent examination conducted by a recognized board by the Government and National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination in the trade of Electrician candidates are eligible.
2. Electrician – 20 in which 12 for UR, 05 for OBC, 02 for SC and 01 for ST – Either 10th standard or its equivalent examination conducted by a recognized board by the Government and National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination in the trade of Electrician passed candidates are suitable.
3. Electric Crane Operator – 08 in which 06 for Gen, 02 for OBC – Candidates should be passed SSC examination and National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination in Electrician Trade with minimum 02 years of experience in ship-building industries.
4. Diesel Crane Operator – 02 for Gen candidates only – SSC Examination should be passed by the candidates / its equivalent certificate in the trade of Diesel Mechanic and having valid heavy vehicle driving licence.
5. Composite Welders – 15 in which 09 for Gen, 04 for OBC, 01 for SC and 01 for ST – Candidates must be passed VIIIth standard examination and must have the National Apprenticeship certificate examination in the trade of Welder.
6. Pipe Fitter – 01 for UR candidates – SSC Examination passed / having its equivalent certificate in the Trade of Pipe-fitter.
7. Utility hand – 45 (UR-25, OBC-12, SC-04 and ST-04) – Candidates should be passed 10th standard examination with NAC in any trade and having working experience in shipbuilding industry.
8. Chipper Grinder – 40 (Gen-23, OBC-10, SC-04 and ST-03) – SSC examination passed with NAC in any trade and having working experience in shipping industry as Chipper Grinder for at least period of 01 year.
Age limit as on 1st November 2011: between 18 years and 33 years. Reserved category candidates will get relaxation in upper age limit by as per Government norms.
Application fees: Rs. 100/- for General and OBC candidates. Candidates should pay their application fees in the mode of DD drawn in favour of Mazagon Dock Ltd payable at Mumbai. SC/ST and PH candidates are exempted from fees of applications.
Applying process: Desirable candidates who are fulfilling the eligibility conditions of the recruitment may apply through filling up applications form in prescribed format which are available at the end of the notification. Applications form may be downloaded from the website of Mazagon Dock Limited. Candidates should fill the applications form correctly. After filling up applications form completely, must attach self attested copies of the certificates in proof of their educational qualification, experience, caste, age along with the applications form. Candidates are advised that they must bring their original copies of the relevant certificates at the time of Interview.
Date of Interview for:
Srl. no. 1 : 28-11-2011
Srl. no. 2 and 3: 29-11-2011
Srl. no. 4: 30-11-2011
Srl. no. 5: 01-12-2011
Srl. no. 6: 02-12-2011
Srl. no. 7: 05-12-2011
Srl. no. 8: 07-12-2011
Time and venue for Interview: Interview will be held on the above mentioned dates at Administrative Building, IInd Floor, A Lcock Yard, Mazagon Dock Ltd., Mumbai-400 010 between 07:30 am and 10:30 am.
General conditions:
i) Candidates who want to apply for more than one post they should send their separate application for each post.
ii) After declaration of interview results, the passed candidates will be called for the Trade Test
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